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Keys to the Da Vinci CodeSchoolies 2005
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Friday, December 16, 2005

Day 12. Poor Leadership. - Tuesday, 29/11/2005

Today we had the last of our training levels. They were pretty great!

Drew and Trevor A. Gave us their testimonies at Lunch today, and Jess H. gave hers at dinner.

Emma, Jess C. and Rob B. were in my group tonight, and it looked to be a really promising group. I was also looking forward to it, because I hadn't had Rob or Jess in my group before. At the start of the night, Rob told me that I was the group leader, and then he said that Jess was 2nd in command, and Emma 3rd and then I said that he was calling the shots. This was all just nonsance of course, and nobody took it seriously.

Last year I had long hair to go with my beard, and all the Schoolies would ask if I was Jesus. I would answer, "No, but I know Him." and then we'd talk about it. This year, now that I don't have the long hair, all I ever get told by Schoolies is to "part the Red Sea" (because I'm Moses now, you see). Here are some people who asked me to part the Red Sea:

Part the Red Sea!
We also met another group who we helped build a sandcastle, which turned into a cake, which turned into a turtle, which turned into a dragon with a turtle's shell with bumps all over it, which became...

The dragon bites the sand... We bumped him off... I'll stop now.
I was really frustrated tonight, because we seemed to be getting into useless conversations all night. At the end of the night, I decided it was because the Schoolies had learned how to give each other free converation since they had gotten over the shock of the stages being taken away, and so they didn't need us anymore. Rob put it down to my bad leadership skills.

I later found out that most of the other groups had the same frustration that night. As for not being needed that night though, that was no where near the truth. Two groups of Yellow Shirts had to call ambulances tonight. Who did the Schoolies run to when they needed help? SC!


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