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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Leaving Home

The following is a comment I deemed to long to leave on Dot's post:

I know what it's like living away from home. In all the confusion, when I first moved out, I forgot all about God. I didn't think this would happen to me. For me, I was in a whole new world I knew nothing about and it was me against the world. I felt like a spy sent on a mission without any drills or briefing on the enemy. I was trying to learn how to function in the world and keep a low profile as to my true identity. I was in culture shock. I was constantly on my toes in a very steep learning curve. I was under so much pressure to hide my identity that I somehow forgot it. Not a good time to forget about God. I learned to trust God all over again, but rather than learning from the Bible, prayer and meditation, and "knowing all the answers" as I did in my old world, I had to learn by experience (the hard way), only to remember that I knew most of the lessons already, and that I already had the big picture of the world. Upon first moving in to interact with it on such a small scale, though, it was so unrecognisable from the big picture I knew, it took too long a while to realise I have an unused head start somewhere. But it was all still fuzzy. I had some sort of memory block and real issues communicating with God. I realised that while I was in this world I needed to be vigilent to constantly set aside time every day to get to know God all over again and to keep filling my head with truth while I'm being forcefed with sugarcoated lies and corruption from all sides. I have a long way to go. I may get sidetracked and even get addicted to/"dependant on" the sickening sugar, but my intention is to complete the mission and get home. When I first "woke up" I tried to cut corners and jumpstart myself but I just burned out. I headbutted the world and it hurt! I have to be patient and rely on God for the kind of grace and strength that will get me there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To quote from your post: "I learned to trust God all over again, but rather than learning from the Bible, prayer and meditation, and "knowing all the answers" as I did in my old world, I had to learn by experience (the hard way)"

That is so true. I know this, because that's exactly what I'm trying to do right now. Not too sure that I'm succeeding, but at least its a start. And yes, it's the hard way, but I'm too stubborn for my own good sometimes. That, and the fact that I'm not willing to trust the easy way - I want to prove it all for myself. Which is kind of egocentric and not very godly, but I guess its a stage we all have to go through at some point.

Thanks for that post Mathieu. It was very thought-provoking!

2/6/07 10:30 pm  

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