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Thursday, September 07, 2006

saam 6

saam 6 in matish (nkjv)

0 tu dh ceef muesishn. with stringd instruments. on an 8-stringd harp. a saam ov daevid.
1 o yhwh, du not rebuek me in u'r angger, nor caesen me in u'r hot displejhr.
2 hav merse on me, o yhwh, for i m week; o yhwh, heel me, for mi boens r trubld.
3 mi sowl aulso iz graetle trubld; but u, o yhwh-hou long?
4 return, o yhwh, deliver me! o, saev me for u'r merse'z saek!
5 for in deth dher iz no remembrns ov u; in dh graev whu wil giv u thangks?
6 i m weere with mi groening; aul niet i maek mi bed swim; I drenc mi kouc with mi teers.
7 mi ie waests awae bekauz ov greef; it groez old bekauz ov aul mi eneme'z.
8 depart from me, aul u wurkerz ov inikwite; for yhwh haz herd dh vois ov mi weeping.
9 yhwh haz herd mi suplikaeshn; yhwh wil reseev mi prair.
10 let aul mi enemeez be ashaemd & graetle trubld; let dhem turn bak & be ashaemd sudenle.

saam 6 in matich ('ch' for 'sh')

0 tu dh ceef muesichn. with stringd instruments. on an 8-stringd harp. a saam ov daevid.
1 o yhwh, du not rebuek me in u'r angger, nor caesen me in u'r hot displejhr.
2 hav merse on me, o yhwh, for i m week; o yhwh, heel me, for mi boens r trubld.
3 mi sowl aulso iz graetle trubld; but u, o yhwh-hou long?
4 return, o yhwh, deliver me! o, saev me for u'r merse'z saek!
5 for in deth dher iz no remembrns ov u; in dh graev whu wil giv u thangks?
6 i m weere with mi groening; aul niet i maek mi bed swim; I drenc mi kouc with mi teers.
7 mi ie waests awae bekauz ov greef; it groez old bekauz ov aul mi eneme'z.
8 depart from me, aul u wurkerz ov inikwite; for yhwh haz herd dh vois ov mi weeping.
9 yhwh haz herd mi suplikaechn; yhwh wil reseev mi prair.
10 let aul mi enemeez be achaemd & graetle trubld; let dhem turn bak & be achaemd sudenle.

do'nt wore, dhis iz just an egzampl, i curentle do'nt plan to aulwaez ues matish on mi blog eksept maebe for poe'etre & songs. aulwaez on m's'n dho, sore.
noetis i'v uezd "yhwh" for "lord"/"the lord" in capitals.
dh maen leterz tu woc out for when converting (auldho i c no need to convert ene'thing aulrede riten old speling), r 'th', 'y', 'c', capitls, & perhaps dh wurdz "to" and "do". if u c ene mistaeks, pleez let me noe. or if u hav kwescnz or sujescnz or u need mor egzamplz.


Blogger Mathieu said...

Finally some help!

Pete kindly pointed out that I shouldn't use u'r (u r) for your (ownership), but only for you're (you are).

I was aware of this mistake, but I was worried about something that is no longer a concern of mine.

As Pete rightly suggested, "yor" is to be used for "your" and "u'r" or "u r" is used for "you're".

Thanks Pete!

Any other suggestions?

8/9/06 11:11 am  
Blogger Mathieu said...

Other mistakes I've found so far:
"capitals" and "capitls" should both be "kapitlz".
"curentle", "converting" and "convert" should be "kurentle", "konverting" and "konvert" respectively.

8/9/06 11:19 am  
Blogger Mathieu said...

's' is another one you need to watch out for if you're not used to it: "muesishn" should be "muezishn", "boens" should be "boenz", "teers" should be "teerz".

"instruments" is ok though, because the ending 'z' bekumz an 's' after an unvoiced consonant. Because this rule has to be thought about for those used to converting everything to 's' in the old spelling, it t has been suggested that we currently overlook mistakes made with the 'z' on the ends of words because it has the same meaning as the 's' that it changes to after unvoiced consonants (Eg. the plural of "tag" is "tagz" but the plural of "tak" is "taks"). But it's important that I don't allow myself to make those mistakes if I can help it, because I don't want to confuse anyone and have them blame the system for my mistakes discouraging them. So it you think I'm made a mistake, please point it out, and I will clarify whether or not that's what it is.

So please don't think you're making yourself a nuisance by pointing out all my mistakes, because you're helping others to understand (as long as you do it on my blog - I talking to you, Pete). I need your help.

8/9/06 11:46 am  
Blogger Mathieu said...

Oh, and mistakes, in Matish or explaining it. Not necessarily in my ordinary spelling which I've made several mistakes in too.

8/9/06 11:50 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its actually quite surprising how easily understood matish is. reading the psalms in matish isnt much of a brain strain at all. but im sure its much harder to write it - as evidenced from the mistakes you've picked up, which must be so easy to make when you are used to typing in normal english!!

27/9/06 7:57 pm  

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