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Monday, September 11, 2006


i had mi piano egzam dhis morning
i do'nt c hou, but i stil beleev i got a c. we'l c.

she selz c shelz bi dha c shor



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, Mat: its really tired to read your blog!! i want english back! english! english! english!


11/9/06 10:59 pm  
Blogger Mathieu said...

I'm sorry. I'll give you a paraphrase translation:

"Just letting you know I had my piano exam today even though I don't want to talk about it just now so I'm fooling around with homophones in Matish. I was supposed to get a C but I gave a Z-like-perfomance or invented it (I did my best under the circumstances though). I still believe I got a C which will be a miracle and I may have a lot to say about it or I may be too numb. I shouldn't be. I can't even do justice trying to describe how God brought me through it all no matter what I got and how can I describe the incredible kindness that was shown to me by so many strangers all in the one day. If a single one of these 8 people in a row had not not only shown grace to me, but went out of their way to do more for me, I would with absolute certainty not have made it to the exam, it would have been a waste of money and I could not experience the resolution I now have which frees me to study for the other three exams I have in this next week. See?"

Ok, so it's a little amplified too.

12/9/06 12:25 am  
Blogger Redhillducks said...

I could read your post in Mattish. Weird. But I guess I can read my shorthand too, and that's worse.

14/9/06 8:45 pm  
Blogger Mathieu said...

Really? Which system do you use? Did you make it up or is it like Pitman's?

Did you know that Sir Isaac Pitman was a spelling reformer and that his grandson Sir James Pitman invented the Initial Teaching Alphabet and promoted the SSS in politics?

Mark Twain was also a spelling reformer, and so were Benjamin Franklin, Noah Webster (who wrote Webster's dictionary) and George Bernard Shaw who, in his will, left a portion of his wealth to fund the creation of a new English phonemic alphabet.

15/9/06 4:04 am  
Blogger Redhillducks said...

No, I didn't know those factoids.

But I use Teeline shorthand. I learnt it while I worked as a copygirl some years ago. Teeline is superior to Pitman, IMHO.

18/9/06 4:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

isn't the letter c always pronounced "ch"?? :P

27/9/06 8:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw, what level exam did you do??? i've never done a piano exam, but i'm about grade 8 (when i practise, which i never do!!)

27/9/06 8:04 pm  
Blogger Mathieu said...

"c" on its own (or seperated by apostrophes) is a letter-word, and sounds like the name of the letter itself. In this case, "se".

28/9/06 2:13 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good point, must have missed reading that bit...

28/9/06 9:03 pm  

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