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Wednesday, September 13, 2006


If you're having trouble understanding me on MSN, don't tell me to speak English, because I probably am. Instead, ask me to translate and I will be happy to. Or you could learn the basic rules of Matish here.


Blogger Nachmanke (chris' teddy) said...

I bought some tissues today that had a competition thingy you could enter for free on the interweb. I went to the website and it said the competition is closed. I was a little disappointed :-( Although it didn't really bother me much because I bought the tissues for when I need to blow my nose, not because I wanted to enter the competition.

Truth be told I didn't even notice it had a competition thingy on it until I got it home and saw a bright orange sticker on the side of it.

Maybe they were on sale because the competition had already ended.


13/9/06 9:50 pm  
Blogger Mathieu said...

Thanks for the random comment on my blog. I really don't know what inspired it. I will pretend to assume that you thought I meant I would be happy to translate from Matish

1. I should clarify that I meant that because I'm refusing to just type in Old Spelling on MSN, those who can't understand me have the right to ask for a comprimise where I type each line in Matish with a translation in Old Spelling under it.

2. But I actually would be happy to translate to Matish as well.

I intend to write a translating and spell checking program to do this soon, but in the meantime, in accordance with my pretence that I understand the reason for your comment, here it is in Matish:

i baut sum tishuus tuudae dhat had a kompetishn thinge u kood enter for fre on dhe interweb. i went tu dha websiet & it sed dha kompetishn iz kloezd. i woz a litl disupointed :-( auldho it didnt reele bodher me muc bikauz i baut dha tishuuz for when i need tu blo mi noez, not bikauz i wontd ti enter dha kompetishn.

truuth be told i didnt eeven noetis it had a kompetishn thinge on it until i got it hoem & sau a briet orinj stiker on dha sied ov it.

maebe dhae wer on sael bikauz dha kompetishn had aulrede ended.


Yeah, probably.

I'm sorry if you didn't intend to see your writing used like this. Please let me know, and if you did, whether if you think I made any mistakes.

14/9/06 12:45 am  
Blogger Mathieu said...

Already, "tishuus" should be "tishuuz" or "tishuez" and "ti" should be "tu".

14/9/06 12:50 am  
Blogger Nachmanke (chris' teddy) said...

There wasn't any real reason for my random comment. No it wasn't to get it translated to mattish, and no I don't mind that you did. I just felt like telling someone about my tissue box :-)

15/9/06 10:59 pm  
Blogger Mathieu said...

Yeah I know, you just gave me the perfect excuse to clarify points one and two, since still no one realises they can ask to get each line translated on MSN because I didn't make it clear enough in my post.

I had a very quick cold this week, and even though it was already over, I decided to get some tissues at Coles yesterday. I saw some 180-sheet-boxes on special for two dollars something and remembered what you said. So I looked closer, and sure enough there was a competion with the date for entries closing expired. So I looked a little further and got the Coles Savings 200-sheet ones for $1.06 instead.


16/9/06 11:48 pm  

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