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Friday, September 15, 2006

Tweaking 1

I'm about to submit a couple of posts about various rules of punctuation in Matish, but I'd better explain some fine tuning I've done to the spelling first.


"ur" is no longer used in Matish to represent the same sound as "er". I'm open to any objections, but so far no one has put forward a suggestion as to why New Spelling uses "ur" when they also use "er".
So now you just use "er" for the "er" in "stern".
Before a vowel though, "er" is treated as "e" + "r" as in:
"perent" for "parent", "vere" for "very", "fere" for "ferry".
If you want the "er" sound plus the "r" sound, you simply ad an "r" and it's now before a consonant, so:
"Berranda" for "Buranda", "ferre" for "fury"
This is logical, but the opposite of New Spelling, which doubles the "r" after a short vowel as the only time they use that Old Spelling rule. But this is not about them, so who cares?


You may use "nk" for "ngk" if you so wish, and still call it Matish, but it's not the proper way. How would you distinguish it from when used in "enkaes" for "encase" for example?


Most people don't realise they say "the" as "dha" before a consonant, and "dhe" before a vowel. For this reason, you may use "dh" to represent "the" in all cases, and still call it Matish, but the proper way is to spell them in the two forms in the same way we write different spelling for "a" and "an" for the same reason.


Obviously, when "ae" and "ue" are used at the end of a word, the "e" doesn't follow the End-of-words rule. The same goes for the "i" in "oi".


OK, don't use "ow" for the long version of "o". Just use "o". So "dog" and "God" are correct. But "bowling" is still correct. I'm not so sure about "bowl" now though. What do you think?

Schwa in Song

If you write words to musical score, you may worry about which vowel to use when stretching a word which when spoken would have a schwa. I was worried about this, but I've been looking through hymn books since, trying to find an example, and it doesn't seem to be a problem. Please let me know if you see any problems in this area.

Transliterating Vowels

I said before that Matish couldn't be used to phonetically transliterate the vowels from other languages. I'm currently looking at a way to do it within the system after all. If I don't succeed, you can always resort to using accents over the vowels which they usually do in transliteration systems anyway.

Would you like to challenge any of these decisions? I want to hear about it. Comment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh.. no one post comments!
i will give you a hand!
but i don't know wat to mind just gone blank!... hahahaha

Love ya and blessings


17/9/06 9:00 pm  
Blogger Mathieu said...

Haha, thanks Jeannie.
No one posts comments because I'm refusing to update about anything but Matish. I would appreciate that nobody comment on the Matish posts (including the next three) unless they are trying to help make Matish better or if it's just Matish related is ok. Thanks.
If you want to give input, you have until this Saturday (23/9/2006). I'm sorry I couldn't give you the hollidays. If you can't by then and want to help after that time, send me an email an I will give you a special privilage without hesitation. If you don't know my preferred email address (my uni one), then use
If you would rather not make your suggestions on my blog then you may email me too.
Thanks, everyone, for your patience.

18/9/06 11:37 am  
Blogger Mathieu said...

Don't worry about the deadline, I've postponed it until sometime after Schoolies. Keep commenting, critizing, etc.

2/10/06 11:53 pm  

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